Sunday, May 27, 2018

How To Make Long Distance Relationships Work

There are several reasons couples end up in long-distance relationships. Perhaps they met and became a couple while on holiday but live far from each other, or their partner has to relocate for work or education. Regardless of these reasons, long-distance relationships are tough. Here are a few tips on making long-distance relationships work.

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First off, avoid excessive communication. Just because they are now living in a different time zone doesn’t mean you need to constantly know what they are doing and if they are okay. Trust your partner and talk to them as if it was just any other day. Not everyone appreciates a sticky partner.
It’s always good to set ground rules, especially when you and your partner are countries apart. Your lunch break might be 3AM from where they are so considering making a schedule for when it’s good to talk.

When you two are talking, try to do things together. You can share an online game of scrabble, or simultaneously watch the same movie with your webcams on to see each other throughout the film.
Lastly, make planned visits to each other. As romantic as an unplanned visit sounds, it might not be a good time for your partner so plan it together. It can even turn into a short holiday trip for you both when you arrive.

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Jonah Engler is a Brooklyn-based parent and teacher. He enjoys cooking, meditation, and other healing activities. He practices mindfulness and other teachings of Tibetan Buddhism. For more insightful reads on relationships, visit this website.