Monday, June 25, 2018

The Biggest Challenges Faced By Single Parents

There are a lot of single parents out there, some by choice, others by sheer circumstance. When you’re a single parent, you don’t just assume the role of both parents. The reality is much more complicated than that.

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We celebrate the strength and fortitude of single parents. But before we can praise them, let us look at the biggest challenges they face. 

Obviously, one of the biggest challenges is finances. Not only are single parents expected to take care of their child, they also need to make a living while doing so. Just imagine juggling work and parenthood and all the things in between. 

Another major challenge that other people don’t see often is loneliness. Social life gets a steep decline for single parents. Due to all the responsibilities that need to be taken care of and negative stigma around single parents, life suddenly changes. They don’t get as much phone calls as they used to, going out becomes close to impossible, and their lives simply revolve around raising their child. 

Sickness and fatigue are also major challenges. Being a single parent is a full-time role which often doesn’t allow for sick days. The amount of work single parents put into raising their family is mountainous, and this often becomes proportional to the fatigue they experience. Still, they work their hardest in order to raise their children to the best of their abilities. 

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Jonah Engler is a parent and teacher from Brooklyn, New York. He is involved in organizations such as the Children of Promise foundation, the United Federation of Teachers, and the Buddhist centerNalanda Institute. For more articles on parenthood, visit this  website.