Thursday, October 18, 2018

How to practice mindfulness in a busy world

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Mindfulness and the ability to be fully present in the moment builds up resilience. It lowers stress levels and promotes relaxation, and can be considered as a strong weapon in surviving the complexities of today’s fast-paced world. Those who make a living in a high-stress environment can benefit from meditating, and here are some ways to effectively practice mindfulness.

Consider driving as a form of meditation. Traffic brings out the worst in people as it promotes impatience, agitation, and anxiety. While driving, you can switch between being mindful as you have your hands on the steering wheel, making small turns to keep the car centered. Use your breath as your focal point without steering your attention away from the streets.

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Avoid rushing and give yourself time to reach one place to another. It is easy to always rush and limit yourself when you need to be somewhere else. To reduce stress, make it a habit to leave15 to 25 minutes earlier than you have to. Give yourself more time to get ready, walk, or do anything to help you breathe and be mindful.

Turn to imagery. Imagining yourself in a peaceful setting eases physical tension and anxiety. It is different from person to person, but others find peace and mindfulness when they imagine themselves sitting on a quiet beach or walking through a thick forest by the river.

Brooklyn-based parent and teacher Jonah Engler enjoys cooking, meditation, and other healing activities. He practices mindfulness and other teachings of Tibetan Buddhism. Some of the organizations he supports are the Children of Promise foundation, the United Federation of Teachers, and the Buddhist center Nalanda Institute. For more articles like this, visit this page .

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